Reference Data Manager

Central Dictionary System
Dictionary application is a solution that allows efficient management of dictionaries and reference data in the central system repository. The data contained in RDM can be used by both data warehouses and systems supporting an organization’s operational activities (e.g. ERP, CRM, FK, production).
RDM provides intuitive work on the content of dictionary sets and allows users to control the structure, content and access to dictionaries, reference sets, catalogs, repositories without the need to know programming languages or writing scripts.

A tool dedicated to companies which:
- do not have processes that ensures the quality and versioning control of dictionary data.
- have redundant and inconsistent reference data.
- incur a high cost of maintaining consistent data and a long time of processing changes to structures and dictionary data.
- have a complicated user interface and little customization of the tool.
- do not have the ability to manage changes in dictionaries by a business user.

The main benefits of implementing the tool:

Documents and shares dictionary data and other information about dictionaries that are common across the whole organization

It ensures the same quality and definition of dictionaries across systems.

Provides a consistent and flexible process for handling dictionary data across the organization.

Reduces the risk of data loss when migrating systems, upgrading systems, etc.

Facilitates analysis and reporting by providing a uniform definition of dimensions.
System functionalities:
- Central dictionary repository
- Simple user interface
- Built-in acceptance workflow
- SCD strategy (1 – 4) as standard
- Full change history
- Flat and hierarchical dictionaries
- Roles and permissions
- Integration with LDAP, AD
- Integration with the e-mail client
- REST API*, SQL, export to excel

Michał Geryszewski
e-mail: mgeryszewski@valuetank.com
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