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A system supporting the implementation and maintenance of Data Governance

Meta Data Management and Data Quality Management processes. formalizes and standardizes the process of creating a map of connections between various dimensions of the organization, supporting conscious management based on reliable knowledge.

Organizational modelling allows to create a comprehensive map of relationships between various dimensions of the organization (organizational structure, processes, business lines, data sets, IT systems, …) by offering the possibility of using manually configured objects, attributes, hierarchies, taxonomies and connections.

Business dictionary knowledge base

It helps to create one central point of access to information and knowledge in the organization. It allows for efficient management of business concepts and supports the use of one version of truth, thus raising business awareness.

DQM – Data Quality management

It includes an integrated Data Quality module that gives you the option of defining your own test scenarios and their automatic execution. Supports operational monitoring tasks based on predefined methods and measurement points.

Reference Data Management

Comprehensively supports the ordering process and formalizes the method of description, updating and operational management of enterprise information resources. It supports the creation of any dictionaries, free management and use of them in inventory processes.

Risk management regulatory compliance

It allows any decomposition of legal acts and free combination of them with other elements of the organization, e.g. organizational structure, processes, business lines, data sets, IT systems, … thus significantly minimizing the risk of non-compliance.


Records and maintains a full history of system changes. It supports independent and systematic assessment of the organization and helps to achieve comprehensive accountability of undertaken actions. Supports overall supervision over organization improvement.

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Aleksandra Wójcik

Information Management
Product Manager

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ValueTank provides consulting services, IT solutions and trainings supporting the most important areas of business management.

Data Governance consulting

We are a consulting services provider. We divide consulting services into two basic areas: Project Management and Data Governance.


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